public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from "Xavier Lacot" with tag symfony

April 2007

sfCaptchaPlugin - symfony - Trac

The sfCaptchaPlugin is a symfony plugin that provides captcha functionality based on JpGraph? library.

March 2007

February 2007

December 2006

SSL Redirect Filter for Symfony

Serving secure pages on a website is made a lot easier by having both your secure and insecure pages served by the same files - all you need to do is change the scheme from http:// to https:// and you're done. But how do you manage which pages should redirect to the secure server? And how do you make sure you redirect users back when they're finished submitting sensitive information?

November 2006

symfony PHP5 framework » Announcing symfony 1.0 beta 1

by 1 other
The announcement of the release of symfony 1.0 Beta 1

Article : Symfony, ou comment coder plus confortablement ;)

by 6 others (via)
Avec Symfony, vous allez redécouvrir la programmation grâce à ce framework très agréable.

Frameworks PHP : Symfony, inachevé ? - Blog - Veille - Clever Age

by 10 others, 1 comment
Derrière ce titre que Franz Schubert ne renierait pas se cachent nos interrogations au sujet de l’excellent framework Symfony qui, à peine un an après son lancement, s’impose peu à peu sur le devant de la scène PHP.

October 2006

Symfony Tree structure Reminder

Une cheat sheet concernant l'arborescence des fichiers de Symfony

September 2006

Symfony - How to cache custom configuration

This page demostrates a further step to make your confiuration files cached, in symfony way.

July 2006

Planet MVC - Blogs about MVC Frameworks and Patterns

by 1 other
Aggregating MVC blogs covering Rails, Django, CakePHP ... on Ruby, Python, PHP ...

May 2006